No Brokerage, No Extra money.
Rent, Buy or Sell a house, apartment, flat, shop or office without brokerage or brokers.
Flatseeker App is completely free to use. Flatseeker platform provides you to post your property advertisements without a brokerage amount. We are focusing exclusively on the rental market for the growing number of renters in Kanpur to deliver excellent services for renters and all marketers of rental properties.
We provide a superior platform and leverage our advantage to listen to all the stakeholder needs. This surely helps in finding the right apartment, home, commercial building that they desire. Finding your next home in the desired site dedicated to rental properties has never been easier.
We are starting this service in Kanpur city first and will be starting soon in more locations. We will help people to find their dream apartment or house for rent or to own.
If you’re looking for a better way to advertise your rental property, the flatseeker can help you find the right tenant quickly and effectively. Advertising on a flatseeker is fast and easy to make self-managing your property simple.